Sim Brothel 2: Revival Wiki

Behaviour Traits[]

Name Description Effects Remark
Aggressive Has an aggressive personality, making her more erratic. Refuses more frequently. Sometimes fights with customers. Increased odds of reduced payment if customers dislike it. Can be removed via time spent in the Dungeon.
Alcoholic Will drink if given the chance.

Chance to increase maintenance fee (drinking alcohol) and get drunk while not working.

Allows Bartender

Cheerful Is always happy. Harder to reduce morale.

Can be obtained via the Bed Warmer job (Training).

And removed via Dungeon

Melancholy Has a feeling of gloom about her. Harder to improve morale.

Can be obtained via time spent in the Dungeon.

Can be removed via the Bed Warmer job (Training).

Clumsy Tends to be clumsy, sometimes causing accidents. Chance of smaller tips. Increased maintenance fee. Can be removed via the Dancer job.
Calm Nothing really disturbs her. Refusing takes longer. Increased payment when this matches a customer's request. Can be obtained via the Bed Warmer job (Training).
Energetic Always has an abundance of energy, and is usually active. Reduces act length. Can be obtained via the Bartender job.
Fashionable Wears a different outfit every day. Increased beauty threshold. Can be obtained via the Bartender job.
Fast Learner Learns very quickly. 5% increased experience gain.
Slow Learner Requires a little more work. 5% reduced experience gain.
Free Soul Isn't made to follow rules and sometimes doesn't understand them. Obedience occasionally temporarily decreases by a random amount.
Independent Doesn't like to be told what to do. Refuses more frequently. Can be removed via time spent in the Dungeon.
No sense of self She's selfless and does not value herself. Refuses less frequently. Also reduces obedience gain. Can be obtained via time spent in the Dungeon.
Gentle Has a gentle and soothing manner. Can increase or decrease customer satisfaction. Chance for tip.
Hasty Is eager and often acts without waiting for instructions. Sometimes it even works out. 70% chance to receive reduced tips and 30% chance to obtain increased tips. Can be obtained via the Cook job.
In Love Has someone she cares for deeply. If object of her affection is in the same building, her morale won't drop below 50. If they aren't in the building, her morale won't rise above 50. An event will alter this. Not fully implemented.
Intimidating Personality Has an intimidating appearance and isn't afraid to use it. Slightly increases both frequency and value of tips. Also lowers the odds of getting a customer.

Strong Willed

Is mentally strong. Refusing takes longer. Can be removed via time spent in the Dungeon.
Weak Willed Is mentally weak. Refuses less frequently.
Meek Is timid and will not fight for control. Refuses less frequently. Can be removed via the Bed Warmer job and obtained by the dungeon job. (Training).
Proud Has a great deal of pride and holds her head high under all circumstance. Obedience won't rise above 50. Can be removed by event. Can be removed via time spent in the Dungeon.
Kind Cares deeply for others. Reduces morale loss. Can be obtained via the Bed Warmer job (Training) or Work Room.
Naive Doesn't understand much about how the world works. Refuses less frequently. Can be removed via the Bed Warmer job (Training).
Tomboy Behaves in a very boyish manner. Slightly reduces payment unless the customer prefers this trait, in which case payment is slightly increased instead.
Emotionless Expression Has a perfect poker face. Refuses less frequently and reduces payment received.
Dreamy Is prone to drifting off into her own world. Increased act length. Can be removed via the Bouncer job
Stubborn Is stubborn and keeps at a task long after others would have given up.

Increased act length. Increased odds of a tip.

Responsible She holds herself to a higher standard than others. Reduced act length. Can be obtained via the Medic or Teleporter or Whore or Bed Warmer (Training) jobs.
Lesbian Prefers women to men. Reduced happiness when serving male customers.
Nymph Loves having sex and just can't get enough. Increased odds of receiving a tip.

Can be obtained via the Bed Warmer job (Training) and the VIP room.

Grants ~+50 Sex

Pervert This girl is seriously nasty. Chance to increase reputation gain during acts.

Slightly reduced act length.

Can be obtained via the Bed Warmer job (Training) and the VIP room.
Prude Has strongly negative views about sex. Decreased odds of receiving a tip.

Refusing takes longer.

Can be removed via the Whore or Bed Warmer job (Training).
Sadist Derives pleasure from inflicting pain. 50% chance customer will like or dislike, with a corresponding increase or decrease in tips. Can be obtained via time spent in the Dungeon.
Masochist Derives pleasure from receiving pain. 50% chance girl will like or dislike, with a corresponding increase or decrease in health of girl and tips received. Can be obtained via time spent in the Dungeon.
Foul Mouth Is routinely vulgar and often uses profanity. Reduced odds of being selected for an act. Also increased health loss (insolence).
Trouble Maker Enjoys making more work for others. Increased daily maintenance fee.
Big Eater Requires a lot of food to keep her going. Increased daily maintenance fee.
Protective Always looks out for others and is protective of those weaker then herself. Reduced chance of rape or other disruptive events. If the girl's strength is higher than that of the antagonist, then the event is suppressed. Otherwise, she's injured along with original target.

Can be obtained via the Guard job.

Not fully implemented.

Protective of children Is always looking out for children and is protective of them.

Chance to be selected in combat or brothel instead of girl with "Loli" trait.

Can be obtained via the Guard job. May require a girl with 'Young' or 'Loli' in the brothel.
Protected Someone is watching out for her. Chance she'll be ignored in favor or her protector in combat or in brothel.
Sixth Sense Her intuition is often correct. Increased odds of an event.
Blood-lust Gets excited in combat. For x time after being in combat, will not refuse customer.
Money Minded Will do anything for money. Chance for a refused customer to be accepted with increased payment. Can be obtained via the Bartender job.
Love to fight Loves to fight. The stronger the opponent, the better. Increased stat gain after combat. Can be obtained via the Guard job.
Young This girl is still young and easy to train. Small increase to obedience gain.
Information Seeker Knows how to acquire information from other people. Occasionally offers quest related information.

Not fully implemented.
